It's been 7 weeks. This week: Government advice changed from 'Stay Home' to 'Stay Alert'; Schools are set to reopen on the 1st June; the R number went from .8 to .4 and now to .9; construction workers have been given the red light to return to work; the amount of people requesting food support form the projects went up to 200 a day; a rally was held in Hyde park with groups of people demading the right to gather in groups; I had fish and chips and it was glorious. It feels normal for me to expect people to stay 2 meters away from me.
I love watching Ru Paul's Drag race. Even with the obvious issues I should have with it, as a black female, at the moment it is the only way that I'm aware that Saturday has come around again. These lockdown times have gotten everyone mixed up, confused and no longer caring to take notice of the date, time or what was I saying again? It doesn't matter I'm still at home. A few weeks ago one of the contestants Jaida Essence Hall, playing a politician won a challenge simply by saying 'Look over there' ever time she didn't know an answer. Jaida, you couldn't be more correct. Although she had no idea that a global pandemic would be occurring during the showing of this series, it's totally correct. This is the tactic that national government have been using. Shifting the blame for the spread of the virus to the public, to the workers, to children and providing us the public with lack luster and confusing national information, time wasting political broadcasts meanwhile displaying an inability to work with other countries and to provide us with the PPE and information we need.
28,000. 34,000, 36,000 or 61,000 people have died in the UK from Coronavirus - The number is so big it doesn't bare contemplating. I have to keep reminding myself that these are not just numbers, they are real people.
A photographer who came to do a story on the project told me that he'd been at a funeral a few days previous and it had been a relentless rotation of socially distanced cremations for the entire day.
Despite this it seems that many people are taking last Sundays 'STAY ALERT' advice (what exactly does this mean btw?) as authorisation to return to business as usual. Cafes and knick knack shops have re-opened, people are not staying socially distanced or wearing masks or gloves. People are out and seem to think they have immunity because they are out. And yet the death toll keeps rising and there is no vaccine. I woudl say the govenerment are being irresponsible by suggesting that it is fine for schools to re-open because this means parents and teachers will be in close proximity but we are not allowed to critise policies made in 'These uncertain times'. So I will leave it here
Further reading for confusing stats related to real lives
Actual science