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A sudden realisation

It's been a worldwind fortnight.

I'm not sure that i have stopped to breathe until right now. The sudden realisation that nothing will be the same again has just hit me in the face

The entire world is gripped with Corona Fever literally and metaphorically as well. The corona virus pandemic has affected every single living being on the planet. I keep hearing the words ' it doesn't care what colour, race, religion age or gender you are' and it is true.

At first it was another virus that hit China like Saars - i felt sorry for the people, but i thought china would have it under control. Then it hit some parts of Asia, I and paid more notice, but not that much - projects to run and meals to be served. In a matter of days in was in Europe and then I felt that people were being affected. All of a sudden it was in the UK and there was no toilet paper to buy. Then nothing on the supermarket shelves at all. And now we are in lockdown. Kind of. We can go out once a day. For exercise.

I've just spent my first day without going out the front door, and that feels weird. My liberties feel impinged on, even though i know its for my own safety. I spent the whole day in virtual meetings and calls with councillors and officers talking about issues coming through and changes being made. A couple who have been sleeping on a bench outside of the library for 5 years have asked to be housed. Other homeless people were housed in hotels, however reports say they have apparently been kicked out. Children have been asked to remain at home from school, but they're missing their school meals. Somehow the government have now found money to pay for holiday food provision, so they won't go hungry anymore. The underfunded voluntary sector is being heavily leaned on to provide support to vulnerable people. Money has been found to pay them to deliver this service and support to vet volunteers to deliver it.

I'm confused. 117 people have died, so far, from the Corona Virus. Why does it take a tragedy to sort out the country? Is it too late. We'll soon find out.

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