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This week your councillor..

It's been a wet couple of weeks resulting in what has been a lovely Sunday!

If it wasn't the fact I get the underground to work everyday, I'm seeing less and less people taking precautions. To say I'm concerned, is an understatement. If nothing else comes out of this pandemic, I hope people continue to wash their hands. It's just hygienic.

A rundown on how I have been working for you:

  1. Chaired the first of three resident and community leader meetings of the Equality and Fairness commission and initial findings said (paraphrased) 'we have some real long term issues with inequality in Wandsworth that could be very easily mitigated or eradicated with some well thought out policies and multi-stakeholder working. And a living wage'.

  2. Worked with Platform, a town centre property innovation programme aiming to make town centre property more accessible to communities and businesses. To find out more sign up here

  3. Fed into the United Nations Food Systems pre- Summit. Learn about issues with food and solutions across the world here. Wandsworth doesn't even have a borough-wide food plan!

  4. Reported a series of potholes which have caused pedestrians and cyclists issues

  5. Reported cars ignoring barriers, driving over pavements and on newly resurfaced, hot and tyre melting roads, and got harassed on twitter for the roads being resurfaced instead of pavements - it seems you can not win!

  6. Attended a community fund day at Henry Prince estate and learned i'm not as bad as I thought i'd be at circus tricks. The sticks is my sport 😂

  7. Supported another resident with housing association housing issues.

  8. Continued to support a street homeless person to engage with homelessness services

  9. Knocked on a lot of doors talking to Wandsworth citizens about local issues: Housing, Bike racks, School Streets, 2022....

Did my day job, a stretch of track and trace quarantine, and got the double decker back on the road so the Food Bus is rolling!!!

Thats all folks!

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