Its's been quite the year!
This month i've been supporting the posties and the nurses in their fight for fair pay and safe working environments. Everyone involved in these careers whom I have spoken to doesn't want to strike but feels their voices aren't been listened to and the only way forward is action. It's a shame this government doesn't believe in dialogue. It could save so much heart ache.
And I've been opening up even more communication avenues to the council, with the arrival of the Wandsworth Cost of Living commission. It's focussing on the long term affects of poverty and looking at how Wandsworth council and partners can mitigate them immediately and also long term interventions that can be put into place. It's my baby, having tried to do this in opposition, and ending up with the basis for our manifesto, and now in power where we will end up with better services for residents - RESULT!
If you want to read what else i've been up to read this
Amazon reportedly can't deliver anything before Christmas so my plea to you all is to go out and support our High Streets. Plenty of independent shops in every town centre and best of all you don't have to wait for it to arrive. Borrow a cargo bike to deliver it home, or even ask the shop keeper if they will do it for you, if it's too big.
Let's keep our economy local!
Finally, Wishing you all Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays!