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Council Questions - February 2020

It was that time again. Another question, to the leader.

All questions had to be related to the budget as this was a budget setting meeting. Luckily, Wandsworth has just passed a "Climate Change" budget and a magic money tree with 20million has appeared from somewhere to tackle the climate emergency. I'm sure this will be unpicked at a later date, but small victories. This however presents the opportunity for a climate related question on food to be asked. I had predicted the response would be another "we are doing all we can' type, however I was pretty surprised to get probably the most decent response to the age old question on the lack of food waste collection across the borough. Although, again, Cllr Ravi missed the point about food not being mentioned in the climate change strategy.

A question grounded in science fact, not fiction...

Oh wait - he does say 'we are already doing everything we can so we aren't going to do anything else'. The council could embark on an engaging education piece about reducing domestic food waste and composting. That would be something more. Then there's this...

The issues I have with this is 2016 was quite a few years ago. Things have changed. People are more aware of the environment, there is a bigger public appetite to have food waste collections and more councils are doing food waste collections, including Wandsworth's neighbouring councils. Just because you did something once and it didn't work out, doesn't mean you shouldn't try again.

Coincidentally 2024 is shortly after the next council elections... Things can change.

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